Call of duty full campaign
Call of duty full campaign

call of duty full campaign

The first of its kind, this special forces group’s mission is to track down information about “Project Phoenix”- classified intel from the German Army with plans to shift the balance of WWII in their favor. Major spoilers ahead- this video features the story of Vanguard from the opening cutscene to the game’s final moments.Ĭall of Duty: Vanguard tells a heroic tale of Task Force One A team of the best soldiers from military branches around the world. In this video, we bring you the complete story of Vanguard and the rise of the first special forces group led by Arthur Kingsley.Ĭheck out our round up of Call of Duty: Vanguard’s entire campaign as told by in-game cutscenes and cinematics. “Famous amongst her people and infamous amongst the Germans,” Swenson said, when speaking to one of Petrova’s inspirations, “she is to this day the most successful female sniper in history.Call of Duty: Vanguard’s story of Task Force One is told through a mix of in-game narrative and pre-rendered CG cutscenes. Petrova is based on several female Soviet snipers whose confirmed kill count was in the hundreds. She, like other characters in the game’s Campaign, drew inspiration from those who fought in World War II. Those individual stories are the Operators who ultimately make up Task Force One - and for one of them, Polina Petrova, we got a glimpse of it earlier in September at Gamescom. “We’ve got the backdrop of these epic battles in diverse locations,” Swenson said, “but we’re also focusing on the personal stories of those who fought in World War II. “You had battles happening on the snowy landscapes of Stalingrad, over the Solomon Islands in the Pacific, and in North Africa,” said David Swenson, Vanguard’s Campaign Creative Director.Īnd though tens of millions were involved in the war effort, individual actions still accounted for major contributions. You will also get to know the concept of international “Special Forces,” and ultimately, what brings them face-to-face with the man who is spearheading Project Phoenix: the ruthless Nazi Officer Hermann Wenzel Freisinger. Through Vanguard’s Campaign, you will live out the moments that made them heroes and learn how they came together to spearhead Task Force One. Your squadmates are five soldiers whose individual actions helped turn the tide of World War II across four major fronts: Private Lucas Riggs in the North Africa Campaign, Lieutenant Wade Jackson from the Pacific, Lieutenant Polina Petrova who defended her home country on the Eastern Front, and your leader: Sergeant Arthur Kingsley of the British Army’s 9th Parachute Battalion.

call of duty full campaign

There, you must infiltrate the complex and obtain vital Axis military intelligence - stemming from something code-named Project Phoenix - before it is smuggled out of Germany. The game begins at its climax: as a newly recruited Operator within the budding Task Force One, you are en route to a heavily fortified U-boat facility. The Rise of Special Forces from Every Front

Call of duty full campaign